

Legends (傳奇卡)
Q. Can a Legend be attacked through a burning zone?
A. Yes.

問: 傳奇卡會不會透過焚城區被攻擊?

答: 可以。


Q. If a Legend is attacked and killed, what happens to any extra damage?
A. Nothing, it is not applied to the capital.

問: 如果傳奇卡被攻擊及被殺後,多出來的傷害會怎樣?

答: 什麼事都不會發生,因為這些多出來的傷害不會分配給首都。


Q. Can indirect damage be applied to Legends?
A. Yes.

問: 間接傷害可以被分配並處理到傳奇卡身上嗎?



Q. How does my legend participate in combat?
A. During the battlefield phase, a legend may use its battlefield power to attack as though it were a unit located in the battlefield zone.  During the opponent's battlefield phase, he may choose to attack your legend instead of your capital. After your opponent declares which zone he is attacking, he must declare whether he is attacking that zone of the capital or a legend through this zone.  If the legend is attacked, it contributes the power it has in that zone (as damage) to the battle.  If a zone is attacked, the legend cannot participate in the attack.

Legends cannot defend a capitol.  They only defend an attack on them.


問: 在戰鬥中我的傳奇卡是如何參與的?

答: 在戰鬥階段時,一張傳奇卡可以使用它的戰場能力圖示去進行攻擊,就像它是位在戰場區的一張部隊卡一樣。在一個對手的戰場階段時,對手可以選擇攻擊你的傳奇卡來取代攻擊你的首都。在你的對手宣告他要攻擊那一個區域,他也必須要宣告他要攻擊首都這個區域,還是透過這個區域來攻擊一張傳奇卡。如果是傳奇卡被攻擊的話,它會貢獻它的能力圖示(就如傷害一樣)給戰鬥中的區域使用。如果是區域被攻擊的話,傳奇卡是不能參與的。亦即傳奇卡不能防禦一個首都。它們只可以防禦對它們的攻擊而已。

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